Coster Balakasi

Coster Balakasi was born in 1972 in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, to a Malawian father and a Zimbabwean mother. He grew up in the very dense region of Tafara Township.

Balakasi embarked on his artistic journey, specifically in sculpture, in 1988 during a school holiday with other famous artists including Miger Padaso, Dominic Benhura and many others in Tafara. In 1993, Balakasi started sculpting in Grendale, Harare with the artist Cosmos Michener. Balakasi served as Minchener’s assistant artist until 1998, when he started working independently.

Incredibly, just one year later, Balakasi was chosen for artistic residency at the famous Chapungu Sculpture Park. That same year, he exhibited internationally in the United Kingdom. He has since exhibited in Zimbabwe, England, Spain, and the United States.

York's Shona Gallery is proud to present Balakasi's "Proud Girl." Click below for more information.




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